NEWS: January 2017
Just a small reminder, make sure you go and see Het Combo this weekend in Utrecht and Groningen and pick up their debut LP, I think there are still 6 copies available.
Tonight in dB´s with a lot more bands, and tomorrow in the legendary Vera Downstage together with the fantastic Krontjong Devils!
And just before you go, read this great review on De Kettingzaag
It´s Friday the 13th of January, the release date of the debut LP "Donderjagen met!!" from Het Combo Koedijk! Shipping and delivery starts today. The few copies remaining will be sold at their 3 upcoming shows. If you did not order it yet, try to pick one up at one of the following shows:
FRIDAY 20 JAN - V11 Rotterdam
(+ Sensational Second Cousins & Sp aties!)
FRIDAY 27 JAN - dB's Utrecht
(+ many more incl. Dead Elvis & Fake O´s!)
SATURDAY 28 JAN - Vera Groningen
(+ Krontjong Devils!)
Eventhough the record is from 2017, it´s good to see we are in the top 10 best records of 2016 according to the programmer of the best venue in the world
P.D. Although I wonder is this record worse than Lumpy and the Dumpers Huff my Sack?
All the best from het Drentse Land!