NEWS: March 2017
It was a bit quiet as I´m waiting on the documentary "Donderjagers uit Drenthe; the rise of Het Combo", but that seems to take some time. For now you have to do with this crude live recording of Railtender at the Vera kelderbar in Groningen:
Apart from recording a second longplayer, Mark, Arjan and Peter are now waiting on the release of the debut LP "Going Nowhere" from The Kryng on Teensound Records. Should be at the pressing plant now.
Gerhard has been recording with The Tremor V, a great instro combo, these here are some rehearsal recordings:
By the way Peter will be in Italy together with mr Point and mr Drain. Make sure you go see the Low Point Drains if you are in the neighborhood. Hopefully they still play some of the early hits as well:
And you wonder, Alfredo? Well he is back working in the window frame factory.
The Heck
Our second favorite bandmember from the Sensational Second Cousins has started a new group, the Heck. Our favorite Keefmen needed another outlet for his more garagerock songs which do not suit the SSC´s rock´n´roll frenzy. They have already recorded 8 songs, and will soon record some more. Here you can have a listen to 3 of those: