NEWS: December 2015

Just a little bit of an update on the sections and of course best wishes for 2016, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Feliz año nuevo! Don´t forget to go to the Vera for The Sensational Second Cousins this saturday, 2nd of January. They will be kicking off the new year in great style: Hoom Babba, Hoom Ba, Hoom Bababa,Hoom Babba!

SOME KIND WORDS about our latest release "Wanna be like you" EP from The Trash Templars

In English:
Some nice words from Todd on 3hive.
A track by track recap of what the TRASH TEMPLARS are all about on 50thirdand30rd.
Want To Be Like You:
There is this loudmouth-jock everyone knows. And for some deranged reason everybody loves him. I really don’t know why. This one’s for him!
This one is about sexual frustration from the female point of view. But she takes matters in her own hands. She’s a hard hitter!
Wanna Know
The female point of view, again. The woman is attracted to someone who really isn’t a treat to look at. A face only a mother could love. But it’s the inner values that count, right? She does not really know how to cope with the situation. Hence the title.
Lady In Red
You’re more or less hammered. You’re out in town and the last two drinks were four drinks too much. Then you approach a girl and try to get her coming with you. But, no surprise here, you fail miserably.

Bananas Mag

In German:
The Trash Templars – Want to be like you EP
Eine der besten EPs die ich dieses Jahr gehört habe! Ich ärgere mich extrem sie in meiner Zeit in Bielefeld nicht einmal live auf irgendeinem Wohnungskonzert oder einem der etwas griffigeren Kneipen gesehen zu haben. Die Chance hätte es gegeben! The Trash Templars treten, wie man auf den Fotos sehen kann, in von Mutti handgenähten Müllritterkostümen auf und hinterlassen eine der eingeranntesten und unzumutbarsten Bühnen, weil sie ihr Antiagressionstraining im Vatikan nicht mitgemacht haben. Die Mischung aus Punk und Garage lässt dir auch nichts anderes übrig als die Fäuste zu schwingen, zu pogen und besoffen die Texte mitzugröhlen. Sie sind einfach herrlich! Kopfsalat

In Japanese:
バンド名を体現したハリボテのテンプル騎士団員に扮したルックスで 60's Punk 影響下 Raw Rockin' アプローチでぶっ飛ばす Bielefeld (Nordrhein-Westfalen) を拠点に活動する現行 German Killer Three-Chord Garage Punk 新鋭グループ The Trash Templars が Kuriosa Records よりリリースした 2015 年の 4 曲入りデビュー 7"EP 作品が入荷!!! 小賢しい理屈の通じない問答無用 60's Teen Punk 経由 + ピュア度の高い Frenzied Garage Punk アプローチで潔く突っ走るシンプルなスタイルが好感度大、此れが単独デビュー作ながらも激しくラウドかつ毛羽立ったノイジーなプロダクションやバンド全体の疾走感、怒りが滲んだワイルドなスクリームも文句無しの充実振りで 7" フォーマットがばっちりハマった好リリースとなっております。イタリアの The Rippers や同レーベルからリリースのあるオランダの The No-Goods 更には 90 年代後半にサクラメントで活動した The Trouble Makers 辺りが好きな方は是非!!! 【新入荷/2015/12/13】 Nat´s

So make sure you get your copy! Get your copy at Soundflat, Copastic or Moody Monkey Records or Nat Records or Shiny Beast, in Groningen, just go to ELPEE. It´s distributed by Clear Spot. Also you can contact the Trash Templars. If you have any questions, or want to order directly from us of course you can always contact us via e-mail (kuriosarecords[at]

The Trash Templars are plannning some shows in March and April in the Netherlands and Germany. For now go see the Low Point Drains
22-12: Adm Amsterdam
23-12: Pits, Kortrijk
24-12: Clouso, Meppel

Of course you can contact the Trash Templars if you want them to play in your hometown this spring.

Hear the Trash Templars on WFMU´s Teenage Wasteland December 6, 2015, December 13, 2015, December 20, 2015 and December 27, 2015. And on Liz Berg´s show on WFMU December 15,2015.
And we could hear "Want to be like you" also on Spanish national radio, RNE3 El Sotano December 14.
The Primitive Show in Poughkeepsie, NY also has spinned the Trash Templars, every Fridays 12 noon - 3 pm EST, 91.3 FM WVKR December 11, 2015
Or listen to Yesterday Radio, with some classic Meppel recordings from the No-Goods and many more!!